Monday, February 22, 2010

He also goes on about a snowman, tall, tall, tall

Mommy and Daddy have taught me a lot of great things in the few months I've been with them. They've taught me my name, their names (Mommy and Daddy respectivly), they've taught me all about colors and math and what diaper time is. Daddy has even taught me the full history of a place call Middle Earth that sounds really weird.

The most import thing though, that Daddy has taught me is that there are a constantly decreasing number of speckled frogs on a speckled log somewhere along side a nice a cool pool somewhere. I'm not quite sure on the significance of these frogs but they seem to be really important to him because he brings them up ALL THE TIME.

Still for a man as old as my daddy to be so deeply entranced by some amphibians with bad complexion and their eating/bathing habits there must be some symbolic importance. So every time that he starts signing about them (oh yeah, did I mention he always is singing when he tells me about them, the mystery deepens), I can't help but sit and listen intently, in hopes of discerning whether or not my father is trying to teach me something too secret to speak aloud, or if I was born into a family of nutjobs.

Like the other night, my parents strapped me into that most uncomfortable carseat and dragged me clear to somewhere I didn't want to go in the far off land of Draper. Normally I'm very good in the car, but it was dark and far and stupid so I started to express my discomfort in the most elequent way I knew how. Before I could get to my fourth point about the chafing, my dad started singing that song. I was so taken in to the mystery that for the next 20 minutes he and Mommy sang, I was so distracted that I couldn't form a coherent argument the rest of the way there.

So it's a strange song. Here's a picture of me in my thinking chair. Another place Daddy will frequently sing it to me.


  1. So funny! He's such a cutie and getting so big! You should post more pictures. We were the same way with the whole sleeping situation. Before we had kids we swore they would never sleep with us but lately Kennadie has ended up with us almost every night. Good luck breaking the habit!

  2. It's fun when you get to imagine what they're thinking. Thank you for blogging it's fun to read.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. American Grandma learned how to do comments, yay American Grandma!
