Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday Sunday

We had a very happy baby today, which was perfect timing since we had to take him to church for three hours. All he did the whole time was smile, laugh and hit on girls 4 months older than him.

It was almost a milestone for him. He's usually a content and happy baby, but today was his most smiley day recorded. And it was the first time I've been able to repeatedly make him laugh with the same thing (shaking his hat in my mouth like a dog) which was really rewarding for me, because usually I have constantly come up with new material to get him to smile. My job just got a whole lot easier.

After church we went for a quick walk with Grant today. Rather than put him in the stroller we just strapped him to our baby carrier. We had know idea that it would turn him into the worlds cutest ninja.

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