Sunday, November 22, 2009

About me and my blog

Hi, my name is Grant. But so far pretty much everyone calls me Niuniu.

I was born on November 15 at 2:08. I weighed 8 pounds and 2 ounces which was much bigger than anyone expected me to be. Don't tell anyone but this is only the first of many surprises that I have in store for my parents.

I don't know why but my Daddy thought that it was real important that I start blogging, even though I can't talk yet or sleep through the night. He said something about trying to make my American Grandma not so afraid of computers. Really I think he's just a huge nerd as is hoping that I'll grow up to be just like him. He even tells me stories from something called Star Wars when he's trying to get me to calm down. I'm not kidding. He really is that bad.

This my dad, the nerd I was telling you about. He's a pretty nice guy. He's going to be doing a lot of the writing on this blog too. He likes to write, play games, help me burp when I'm done eating and change my diaper. He also likes to sleep. He'll sleep right through Mommy talking to him every time. But I know how to make him get up. One cry from me and he shoots out of bed to do whatever I need him to. I guess that makes him a pretty cool guy.

You know, for a dad.

Also he's not that skinny anymore. Being at dad has made him lazy and therefore fat.

This is my Mommy. She's much cooler than Daddy. She's usually the one that feeds me so we get to hang out a lot. She had to do a lot of work to get me here. She was very brave the whole time and even though she has been in a lot of pain since I came, she's always happy to see me and spend time with me. She's also gentle and very smart.

I don't know why she spends so much time with Daddy.

I also live with my Chinese Grandma. I say Chinese Grandma because I also have an American Grandma. She doesn't live with us though. They're both very nice but very loud. I have an American Grandpa who's really cool but always points a big shiny black thing at me. I've heard my Chinese Grandpa's voice, but I haven't seen him yet. Daddy says it's because he's in China and we're in America. I'm not really sure what all that means but knowing my dad, I'm pretty sure the answer involves Star Wars, so I just pretend to be asleep.

That's it for me and my family, I'll write more as time goes on.

Just rockin' the cradle.

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